During these unprecedented times, Ladybug’s Grace is here to help you meet your fundraising needs any way you need.
Ladybug’s Grace Fundraisers are virtual and complete with a dashboard to view your own statistics and track your sales. Each fundraiser will get a unique link for supporters to shop from.
With all products under $20 for your convenience, the best choice is Ladybug.
Raise more. Fund more. Be More.
Ladybug’s Fundraisers contribute 20% more profit than other fundraising companies. Quality products bring quality support – and you want to raise as much as you can!
With the best value of our Ladybug Products given to you, you can rest assured that every supporter will be happy with the skincare they receive – and will come back again and again for more to support your cause.
No upfront cost, money sent at the end of campaign…we handle all orders: products sent out as ordered
No upfront cost, money paid out every 90 days… we handle all orders: products sent out as ordered